New Survey Discovers Co-Sleepers’ Biggest Sleep Disruptors

By Suann Griffin, Head of Consumer Insights at Serta Simmons Bedding

At Serta Simmons Bedding (SSB), we know the importance of consistently getting great sleep – and we also know many sleepers aren’t getting the sleep they need.

To delve deeper into what is disrupting people’s sleep, we commissioned a survey timed to Sleep Awareness Month on the sleep habits of those who share a bed and found that the average person who co-sleeps reported getting fewer than four good nights of sleep per week.

We also discovered what is keeping people up at night and what they are willing to do about it, including:

  • Stealing the covers is one of the top offenders for couples. Those surveyed shared that their biggest disruptor is when their partner steals the covers (35%), wakes them up tossing and turning (35%), sleeps with the television on (28%), snores (28%) or sleeps with the lights on (27%).
  • People who co-sleep are willing to try separate beds to get better sleep. Nearly half of respondents (49%) shared they would be willing to try sleeping in a separate bed as a way to get better rest.

We know that great sleep is grounded in maintaining a strong sleep routine, whether sleepers sleep on their own or co-sleep, and the survey results unveiled how people are approaching those routines. Findings include:

  • Quality time before bed. Despite a willingness to sleep in separate beds, more than two in five people (42%) prefer going to sleep at the same time as their partner, and once couples are ready to go to sleep, 53% of those surveyed prefer to cuddle their partner.
  • Sticking to a single side. Forty percent of those surveyed said they continue to sleep on their own side of the bed even when their partner is away, while more than one third (34%) use the opportunity to take up more space in bed. In addition, when sleeping away from home (such as traveling), 45% confirmed they don’t migrate from their typical side of the bed.
  • Sharing the bed often started with sharing the room. More than half of respondents (56%) grew up sharing their room with a family member, such as a sibling, and a majority of them credit this experience for preparing them to be more accepting of sharing a room with their partner.
  • Security blankets are forever. Fifty-two percent of those surveyed grew up sleeping with a security blanket or stuffed animal, and 77% of this group reported continuing to do so while sharing a bed with their partner.
  • Washing up matters. Nearly two-thirds (64%) gave a resounding “yes” when asked if they showered before bed, and 58% confirmed they would be bothered if their partner didn’t wash up before bedtime. 

Finally, 36% of those surveyed said they think a new or better mattress would help contribute to better sleep and here at SSB, we continue to be focused on introducing new solutions across lines and price points that address sleepers’ evolving needs.

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*Data from a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Serta Simmons Bedding, with a panel of 2,000 Americans who live with their partner.

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